Our Story

Our Story

Toni and Ryan met while working at a start-up. Toni lived in Boise and Ryan lived in Portland. They were friends for a couple of years prior to Toni moving to Portland, OR. 

Once they were in the same city their friendship blossomed into a romance. They then secretly dated for a year before telling co-workers. From then on they moved in together, and got two wonderful dogs, Macaroon and Nacho. They live in a beautiful home in SE Portland where they can easily walk to their favorite places and spend lots of time together since they both work primarily from home. They travel often, eat delicious food and enjoy spending time with their dogs, friends and family!

They are so happy for those who could make it to their wedding! Those who can't, will be missed!

Started dating - 2017

First Puppy Together (Macaroon) - 2018

First Home together  (Portland, OR) - 2018

First International Trip Together (Italy) - 2019

Puppy Number 2 (Nacho) - 2019

Second Home Together  (Portland, OR) - January 2022

With room for visitors! 

Got Engaged - Poipu, Kauai HI -  April 17, 2022

Got Married! - June 30th 2023 Amalfi Italy


Toni & Ryan